Monday, February 8, 2010

70 Million and Counting....

Generation Y is a force of as many as 70 million, and the first wave has only recently started to embark on their careers — taking their place in an increasingly multigenerational workplace.

Here's an excerpt from an article entitled, "The Flip Flop Generation: Tips for Hiring, Managing and Working with Generation Y" written by Michelle Day, Business Services Manager at Frederick County Workforce Services:

An employer interviewed a recent college graduate with no prior professional work experience for an entry-level position. Upon concluding the interview he asked this young candidate, “Now, what were you thinking in terms of your salary expectations?” The candidate confidently replied, “$80,000/year sounds good.” The expectation of the candidate did not exactly match what the employer had in mind. Similarly, a Human Resources Manager at a local call center here in Frederick shared that her younger employees were showing up to work in flip flops and pajama pants! She was appalled, as many of us would be. However, workplace demographics as well as expectations of the upcoming workforce are changing. Is your company aware of what factors shaped this generation and how you can best work with them?

For proven tips on effectively hiring, managing and working with Generation Y, read the full article on the Frederick County Workforce Services website.