Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Frederick's e-End Receives Award and Certification

Frederick, MD - The week of March 28th was very rewarding for e-End, a Certified Woman-Owned Small Business, located in Frederick, MD. In that week, the secure data destruction and electronics recycling company received an award from the Tech Council of Maryland as the "Service Provider of the Year." In addition to that prestigious award and following an extensive audit of e-End's company security along with their policy and procedures, they were awarded the National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) AAA Certification for data sanitization. "We are so proud to have our team recognized for their level of excellence. Our goal has always been to over-deliver when we work with clients," said e-End's CEO Arleen Chafitz. "e-End has always been dedicated to performing the highest level of secure data destruction and electronics recycling for our clients." Their clients include a broad range of government agencies, plus companies of all sizes and individuals. Serving the Mid-Atlantic region, e-End's Frederick facility has a broad range of highly specialized equipment to enable electronic data to be sanitized meeting NIST and NSA guidelines. In addition to plant-based equipment, they developed proprietary mobile equipment permitting secure data sanitization at client facilities. Equipment received at e-End is recycled meeting state and federal guidelines and the company adheres to a Zero-Landfill Policy for all equipment they process. For further info: 240-529-1010